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Information for Displaced Tenants of Parkside Gardens

Posted March 11, 2025
10:00 am

What happened?

  • On March 4, 2025, the City of Euclid condemned and issued a vacate order for 26 of the 33 buildings at Parkside Gardens apartment complex, due to building code violations and safety concerns.
  • The vacate order went into effect March 7, 2025 at 12:00 p.m.

Who is affected?

  • The vacate order applies only to the 26 buildings where the City of Euclid posted signs.
  • Tenants who live in the 7 buildings that did NOT receive a notice from the City of Euclid are NOT required to leave. The 7 buildings that are NOT impacted by the vacate order are located at: 1486 Knuth, 1519 Knuth, 1520 Knuth, 1530 Knuth, 1550 Knuth, 1422 E 260, and 1476 E 260.
    • Unless these tenants receive individual notices to leave from their landlord and an eviction summons from the Euclid Municipal Court, they cannot be forced to leave.
    • The only way a landlord can force a tenant to leave is by going through the proper notice and eviction process in court.

Where can displaced tenants go?

  • Several local apartment complexes are offering special promotions to assist Parkside Gardens residents in finding new homes. See the list and contact information here.
  • Tenants who want to talk to a representative from the City of Euclid may contact Kristal Grida, Assistant to the Mayor, at 216-289-8268.
  • Tenants who need to return to the property after March 7 to pick up any remaining belongings will be allowed to do so.
  • When tenants vacate their unit, they should contact their utility companies (electric, gas, internet, etc.) to cancel service.

What about rent?

  • Landlords cannot hold tenants liable for rent during the time of a city-ordered vacate notice.
  • A landlord who accepted rent for the month during a city-ordered vacate has an obligation to house the tenant. Some landlords have insurance that can cover temporary housing arrangements. If the landlord will not provide temporary housing, the tenant can sue in Small Claims Court. The Small Claims Court process can take anywhere from 2 to 6 months.
    • General information about how to file in Small Claims Court is available here.
    • The Euclid Municipal Court’s Small Claims form is available here.
  • Tenants should keep written records and documentation. After moving, tenants should send an email or letter to their landlord informing them when they moved and that they are considering the lease terminated because of the city-ordered vacate. Tenants should then request the return of any security deposit. If the landlord will not return the security deposit, the tenant can sue in Small Claims Court. The Small Claims Court process can take anywhere from 2 to 6 months.
    • General information about how to file in Small Claims Court is available here.
    • The Euclid Municipal Court’s Small Claims form is available here.
  • When tenants vacate their unit, they should contact their utility companies (electric, gas, internet, etc.) to cancel service.

Tenant Resources

  • Tenants with questions about their rights can call Legal Aid’s Tenant Information Line at 216-861-5955.
    • Callers should clearly state their name, phone number, and a brief description of their housing question. A housing specialist will return the call between 9 AM and 5 PM, Monday through Friday. Calls are returned within 1-2 business days.
    • The Tenant Information Line is for information only. Callers will get answers to their questions and will also receive information about their rights. Some callers may be referred to other organizations for additional help. Callers who need legal assistance may be referred to Legal Aid’s intake or a neighborhood brief advice clinic.
  • View Legal Aid's brochure about Ohio Landlord-Tenant Law: Ohio Landlord-Tenant Law: The Basics
  • Find additional resources on the Housing section of Legal Aid's website: Housing
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