Posted September 22, 2020
11:39 am
Susan Steels, 70, is one of the millions of Americans who lost their job due to the coronavirus pandemic. She worked for many years in the event industry - planning weddings and then working for a catering company - but was laid off when stay-at-home orders were introduced in March.
Susan applied for unemployment benefits right away. For weeks and then months, she went back and forth with the administration, and was denied multiple times without any clue as to was wrong with her application. Anxiety mounted as the weeks went by and her mortgage, car, and utility bills piled up. Then, her best friend suggested she call Legal Aid.
A Legal Aid attorney got right to work on Susan’s case. He advocated on her behalf and worked with the unemployment administration to get Susan the money she was owed. Thanks to Legal Aid, Susan now is receiving her benefits as well as back payments for the weeks she spent lost in the system.
“They worked everything out with me,” says Susan. “I really can’t say enough about Legal Aid.”