May 10, 2025
Intake Hour, 10 - 11am
Cleveland Public Library - Fulton Campus
3545 Fulton Rd, Cleveland, OH
Have a legal question? Legal Aid has answers!
Visit a Brief Advice Clinic to chat with an attorney about a civil legal problem related to money, housing, family, employment or other issues. This clinic is first-come, first-served, no appointments needed. If the clinic is at capacity, those who arrive after the intake hour may be referred to a future clinic. Please bring all important paperwork with you.
Special thanks to volunteer attorneys for staffing this Brief Advice Clinic.
In the meantime, Legal Aid is open 24/7 online - taking intake applications at this link. Or, you can call Legal Aid for help during most business hours at 888-817-3777.
Info Lines: For a quick question about a housing issue - call our Tenant Info Line (216-861-5955 or 440-210-4533). For questions about employment, student loans, or other economic issues - call our Economic Justice Info Line (216-861-5899 or 440-210-4532).