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What kind of debts can be discharged in bankruptcy?

Almost every debt you can think of will be discharged in a bankruptcy. The Bankruptcy Code outlines only a specific list of debts that cannot be discharged. The most typical debts that are not dischargeable in bankruptcy include child support and domestic support obligations, most student loan debt, income taxes that are less than 3 years old, and judgments that are the result of a drunk driving accident or intentional tort (you were intending to hurt someone), criminal fines and restitution.

Any other debt will be discharged in the bankruptcy. In Ohio, this includes drivers license reinstatement fees, arrears on utility bills (the utility company will have to restore service, but they may ask for a security deposit), lawsuits, judgments, rental leases, property taxes, and deficiencies after the repossession of a car or foreclosure of a house.

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