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What is an ABLE account, and how does it help people with disabilities?

Ohio launches first-of-its-kind saving and investment account for people with disabilities to pay for qualified expenses without jeopardizing eligibility for benefits - Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) account program.

The ABLE Act of 2014 is federal legislation that authorizes states to establish accounts for people with disabilities that are tax exempt and are not counted when determining eligibility for means-tested federal programs. Ohio is calling its program the State Treasury Achieving a Better Life Experience (STABLE) program.

The accounts will allow people with disabilities to save and invest without losing eligibility for benefits. The STABLE program is open to anyone across the country who meets eligibility requirements, though the fees are higher for people who live out of state.

Ohio residents will pay $2.50 per month to maintain the accounts, while residents of other states will pay $5 per month. Participants can use the money from the account for qualified expenses, including education, health care, housing and transportation.

Participants will be able to choose between five different investment strategies that range in risk levels, including a banking approach that offers no risk and is backed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.  For more information, see

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