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Staff Spotlight: Client Support Specialists

Posted July 5, 2024
2:00 pm

As Legal Aid works for and with our clients to resolve legal issues that impact basic needs, Client Support Specialists are an important internal team, helping to ensure positive outcomes for clients Legal Aid serves.

Client Support Specialists are social workers on Legal Aid’s staff who help clients engage with their legal cases and get connected with community resources. To learn more, we checked in with our Client Support Specialists – Aisha Midgett, Amber Jackson and Mariah Powers:

What or who inspires you?
Mariah: The clients inspire me every day. The things they go through - extreme highs and lows. I have the privilege of riding along with them in that journey which is very inspiring.

What is your favorite thing about working at Legal Aid?
Aisha: My favorite aspect is the opportunity to closely engage with clients. Building meaningful relationships, empowering individuals to find their voices, and aiding them in becoming more resilient are the most rewarding parts of my role. It’s incredibly fulfilling to witness their growth and to be a part of their journey of justice and self-advocacy.

What drew you to a career in the legal profession/public service?
Amber: I have always known that I wanted to work in a nonprofit environment because it feels like I’m doing more good. In my prior experience, I saw people treated poorly in the court system. They didn’t get the same respect that we give our clients at Legal Aid. I always wanted to help people and now I get to do both legal and social work together, it’s a great combination.

Can you describe a case that really stands out to you as having a big impact on the client?
Amber: It was a recent case working with a family law attorney. The client was experiencing domestic violence and was trying to get a divorce. The attorney asked me to help the client navigate the housing system, while the attorney helped the client finalize the divorce. Because her husband handled everything, the client did not know how to find housing on her own. I was able to help her move temporarily to a shelter so that she would not be in the same house as her abuser until she was able to find permanent housing. I also helped the client obtain a housing voucher for subsidized housing, provided her with resources for mental health services, as well as information about where to get help with her taxes.

What is the most rewarding part of your job?
Aisha: The ability to be part of systemic change while directly impacting individual lives. Every day, I have the privilege of empowering clients, helping them find their voices, and witnessing their resilience. This work goes beyond individual cases; it’s about fostering a more just and equitable society. Seeing the positive change ripple through our organization and the communities we serve reinforces my commitment to this vital work.

Mariah: It’s tough to say because there are so many rewarding parts of my job, but I would have to say the most rewarding part is being part of an organization that prioritizes the client. Legal Aid focuses on reducing barriers and making sure the client has access to resources.

Legal Aid Client Support Specialists (l-r): Mariah Powers, Amber Jackson and Aisha Midgett

Originally published in Legal Aid's "Poetic Justice" newsletter, Volume 21, Issue 2 in Summer 2024. See full issue at this link: “Poetic Justice” Volume 21, Issue 2.

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