Expulsion from school involves a removal of more than 10 days. The school must allow you to bring an advocate to the expulsion hearing. Be sure to:
- Keep all letters from the school
- Request copies of all documents that will be used at the hearing including incident reports and witness statements.
- Write down a summary of all telephone calls you make, voice mail messages you leave and meetings you have with school officials or teachers regarding the incident.
If your child has been expelled, is in danger of being expelled, or has had multiple suspensions, this may be a sign that she is not getting the help she needs.
* Expulsions can be appealed, but appeals must be requested within the deadlines provided in the expulsion notice.
Next Steps
Visit a brief advice clinic or contact Legal Aid.
Other Resources
School Discipline: Know your Rights - School Expulsions
Pro se Forms
Glossary of Education Terms
You may be able to find an attorney who can help you by contacting:
Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association
Lawyer Referral Service
(216) 696-3532
Juvenile Public Defenders Office
(216) 443-7295