Posted February 25, 2025
9:10 am
At Legal Aid, we work with partners and organizations to increase our impact. One notable partnership that has grown in recent years is with Magnolia Clubhouse.
Based in University Circle, Magnolia Clubhouse offers a rehabilitative support program for adults who live with mental illness. The organization provides employment, education, and social programs, while working to reduce the stigma of mental illness and advocating for improvements to the mental healthcare system.
In 2022, Legal Aid hired two Clubhouse members to serve as receptionists. These Clubhouse members work at Legal Aid as part of Magnolia’s Transitional Employment program, which supports members who have received training and are reentering the workforce.
In addition, Legal Aid’s Access to Courts focus group has been working with Magnolia Clubhouse for the last two years to identify barriers to courtroom access for individuals living with mental illness and to obtain feedback on forms and advocacy related to the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Legal Aid staff has toured the Clubhouse, attended and presented at Magnolia’s regular house meetings, and corresponded with Magnolia Clubhouse staff regarding member needs that Legal Aid can support. This reciprocal relationship ensures that our work is informed by those with lived experience.
In 2024, Legal Aid partnered with Magnolia Clubhouse to present a Continuing Legal Education program through the Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association focused on best practices for serving clients living with mental illness. Educational opportunities like this encourage Legal Aid to serve our clients in more human-centered and trauma-informed ways – a goal highlighted by our current strategic plan –
We look forward to continuing to cultivate this partnership and improve our service delivery for all clients, including those living with mental illness.
To learn more about Magnolia Clubhouse, visit their website,, or call 216.721.3030 to schedule a tour.
Originally published in Legal Aid's "Poetic Justice" newsletter, Volume 22, Issue 1 in Spring 2025. See full issue at this link: “Poetic Justice” Volume 22, Issue 1 – Legal Aid Society of Cleveland