Legal Aid's Volunteer Lawyers Program is proud to honor private attorneys as they reach milestones in their work as pro bono colleagues at neighborhood legal clinics.
Brief Advice Clinics are a way for Legal Aid to be out in neighborhoods, delivering service to community members where and when they need it: at libraries, community centers and area places of worship.
The Community Commitment Honor Society was inaugurated in 2024 - during the 20th anniversary year of Legal Aid's modern Volunteer Lawyers Program. Created by Legal Aid's Pro Bono Advisory Committee, this honor society recognizes volunteers as they reach these milestones, volunteering cumulatively at:
- 50+ clinics (50 or more clinics attended)
- 40 clinics (40-49 clinics attended)
- 30 clinics (30-39 clinics attended)
- 20 clinics (20-29 clinics attended)
- 10 clinics (10-19 clinics attended)
- 5 clinics (5-9 clinics attended)
Honor society recognition is identified in January of each year, once the prior year closes. The below lists are perpetual lists - and as active volunteers do more, they rise in the honor recognition. This honor society recognizes only private volunteers (not those volunteering in-house). Lists current as of January 2024 (based on data through 2023). Volunteers who are deceased are indicated with an asterisk (*).
50+ Clinics
Magistrate Jennifer Himmelein
Patrick McGraw
R. Jeffrey Pollock
40 Clinics
Joseph Dunson
Gerald Meader
Katherine Wensink
30 Clinics
Ann Bergen
Fredric Bolotin
Kendra Davitt
Robin Kunikis
John Mulligan
Sandra Walker
20 Clinics
Anthony Alto
Ruth Fazio
William Ferry
Christopher Fisher
Katherine Friedell
Richard Gurbst
R. Scott Heasley
Darya Klammer
David Kutik
Jamielle Lamson-Buscho
Charles Lazzaro
Mary Meaker
Jo Ann Pesuit
SaraJean Petite
Barbara Roman
John Shryock
Thomas C. Wagner
Steven Wolkin
James Young
10 Clinics
David Alden
Frank Brancatelli
Don Brown *
Donna Busser
Kevin Butler
Leah Caplan
Lisa Carey
Maria Carr
Rebecca Castell
Magistrate Tiffany Catherman
Elaine Chimo
Monica Christofferson
Corey Clay
Deborah Coleman
Linda Cooper
Dennis Coyne
Stacy Cozart Martin
Laura Creed
Jason Csehi
Andrej Cuturic
Stacy Dame
David Dawson
C. Lynne Day
Charles Deeb
Ryan Ellis
Bryan Evans
Stephen Fazio
Nancy Fioritto
Eric Foster
Barry Freeman
Leslie A. Gentile
Zachariah Germaniuk
Abigail Greiner
Patrick Haggerty
Christa Heckman
Morgan Helgreen
Shannon Henry
Russell Horn
Allen Hufford
Lee Hutton
Ronald Johnson
Jacob Kelly
William Kelly
Lisa Khoury-Leszynski
Lisa Klammer
Dena Kobasic
James Koerner
Magistrate Laurie Koerner
Susan Kornatowski
Amelia Larsen
Melissa Laubenthal
Pearce Leary III
James Levin
Judith Lipton
Joanna Lopez Inman
Deborah Loughner
David Lowe *
David Magee
Barbara Martincic
Jonathan McDonald
Jean McQuillan
Ellen Meehan
Grace Miclot
Sharece Miller-Curry
Katie Morgan
Kelly Morgan
Lidia Mowad
Norma Mudry
Patrica Murphy
Brittany Newman
Margaret Nowak
Claire O'Connor
Anna Parise
Isaiah Pinckney
Lori Pinjuh
Michael Platt
Michael Quinlan
Krithika Rajkumar
Lawrence Roach
Rita Rochford
Joseph Rodgers
Carmen Scott
Sandra Seballos
Taurean Shattuck
Clarissa Smith
Corey Sparks
Sherry Spenzer
Jonathan Stender
Lisa Summers
Kevin Susman
Richard Sweebe
Councilperson Eric Synenberg
Sara Tackett
Elaine Tassi
Margaret Terry
Mitchell Thompson
Judge Mary Jane Trapp
Franklin Triozzi
Kathleen Valdez
Rinda Vas
Elizabeth Vitale
Katerina Voronova
Jessica Wright
Ariana Zimcosky
5 Clinics
Stephanie Adams
Catherine Adinaro
Mira Aftim
John Alten
Neelraj Arjune
Joan Arrington
Brian Bardwell
James Barilla
Josephine Begin
Rebecca Bennett
Scott Bennett
William Berglund
Lon'Cherie Billingsley
Cynthia Binns
Brian Bly
Daniel Bollinger
Jasmine Boutros
Matthew Brady
Andy Bramante
Susan Brooks
Carolyn Brown
Larissa Bungo
Brandon Bush
Christina Bushnell
Robert Cahill
Christopher Caryl
Jillian Charles
Michael Charlillo
Erin Chelune
Mary Clair
Howard Coburn
Katherine Collin
Brandon Cox
Pamela Daiker-Middaugh
Jason Dawicke
Amy DeLuca
Patrice Denman
Nicole Dertouzos
Frank DeSantis
Nathalie Dibo
Judge Carl DiFranco II
Maeve Dineen
Joyce Dodrill Krieger
Catherine Donnelly
William Doyle, Jr.
John Duffy
Michael R. Durnwald
Mary Edquist
Anastasia Elder
Ayden Ergun
Robert Farinacci
Kathleen Fenner
Francis Fungsang
Lisa Gates
Sarah Gatti
Jessica Gentile
Karen Giffen
Camille Gill
Alicia Graves
Stacey Greenwell
Lydia Gross
David Gunning II
Tamara Gurchik
Katheryn Hach
Eleanor Hagan
Victoria Hamilton
Elizabeth Hammack
Robert Harms
Paul Harris
Carla Hatoum
Russell Hauser
Jane Hawn-Jackson
Makela A. Hayford
John Heer II
Edward Heindel
Vanessa Hemminger
Shelly Hillyer
Kevin Hinkel
Cory Hinton
James Hofelich
Lauren Holler
Ryan Hooper
David Hopkins, Jr.
Liz Huber
Kimberlyn Hughes
Karen Hummel
Nora Hurley
Magistrate Michael Hurst
Jessica Ice
Jacqueline Jacobs
Kara Jakubec
James Jaworski
Magistrate Leslie Johns
Aqueelah Jordan
Suzanne Jucaitis
Andrew Kane
Amy Keating
Judge Kevin Kelley
Adrienne Kirshner
J. Randy Klammer
Michael Klamo
Lenore Kleinman
Magistrate Brooke Kocab
Andrew Kohn
Paul Kostyack
Arun Kottha
Kristen Kraus
Matthew Kurz
Joseph Lanter
DeAngelo LaVette
James Lawniczak
Karen Lee
Jonathan Leiken
Dennis Levin
Luke Lindberg
Patrick Lipaj
DeAngelo Little
Heather Lutz
Stephen Macek
Rita Maimbourg
Councilperson Sean Malone
Dante Marinucci
Haley Martinelli
John Marvar
Mary Mason
Todd Masuda
Dawn McFadden
Ronald McMillan
Eben McNair
Michael Meehan
Deborah Michelson
Bradley Miller
Linda Miller
David Moore
Joseph Muska
Judge Andrea Nelson-Moore
Ryan Neumeyer
James Nichols
Antonio Nicholson
Kathleen Nitschke
Aaron O'Brien
Jordan O'Connell
Obie Okuh
Bryan O'Malley
Eunice Park
Jacqueline Pasek
Jim Petropouleas
Libert Pinto
Christina Pochemsaniy
John Powers
Matthew Rambo
Helen Rapp
James Reddy, Jr.
Alexander Reich
Tina Rhodes
Magistrate Marianne Rogalski
Jan Roller
Susan Ruben *
Scott Ruebensaal
John Ruiz-Bueno
Shaka Sadler
Samantha Salamon
Bobbi Saltzman
Geoffrey Saxe
John Sayers
James J. Scherer
Elissa Schooler
Tina Scibona
Kevin Senich *
Michael Shanker
Michael Sharon
Peter Shenyey
Matthew Simpson
Claire Skupski
Jocelyn Smith
Kelsey Smith
Robert Smith III
David Sporar
Natalia Steele
Judge Terri Stupica
Roger Synenberg
Jo Tatarko
Michael Telep
Sofia Teren
Jennifer Tharp
Christine Tibaldi
Margaret Toohey
Mary Jo Toumert
Alexis Triozzi
David Truman
Tracey Turnbull
Michael Ungar
Jaclyn Vary
Daniel Verkhlin
Jennifer Villyard
Kevin Vogel
Lauren Wazevich
David Wehner
Keith Weiner
David Welty
Darlene White
Brendan Whitted
Yubia Wilkinson
Christopher Williams
Nicole Wilson
Brandon Wojtasik
Seth Wolf
Stephen Wolf
Lindsay Wrubel
Mengxue Xie
Dylan Yepez
Elin Young
Matthew Yourkvitch
Councilperson Kelly Zacharias
Nicholas Zalany
Viktorija Zdraveva
Amichai Zukowsky