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Andrea teamed-up with a Legal Aid attorney and saved her home.

Housing Stability through Legal Aid

Andrea (name changed to protect privacy) fell behind in her rent. She did everything that she could possibly do to catch up but without success. Eventually she received a three-day eviction notice. Andrea didn’t want to move and feared that she and her family would become homeless. That’s when she called Legal Aid for help.

Andrea’s Legal Aid attorney advised her to apply for rental assistance. Her application was approved, and her landlord agreed to accept the funds to pay the back rent. The landlord then dismissed the case and allowed her to remain in the home.

To ensure that the eviction wouldn’t make it difficult for Andrea to find housing in the future, her attorney instructed her on how to get the eviction record sealed.

Thanks to her partnership with a Legal Aid attorney, Andrea no longer had to worry about her family being displaced.

This is a case Legal Aid closed in 2023, and cases like this are handled daily by Legal Aid attorneys.  Show your support for Legal Aid's work to extend justice and click here to make a gift today.

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