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Are you an American Express Cardholder?

Do you earn Membership Reward points when you use your American Express card? Need an idea of what to redeem those extra points for? Consider making a gift to Legal Aid!  Through the American Express JustGiving program, you can redeem your American Express Membership Rewards program points for a gift to Legal Aid. 1,000 Membership Rewards points = $10.00 to Legal Aid! 

JustGiving makes charitable giving simple. Formerly known as Members Give, JustGiving connects you to the important causes - like Legal Aid.  Your contributions are tax-deductible and you'll receive an e-mail receipt for your records.  You can choose multiple ways to support Legal Aid: 

  • Give to one or more charities and nonprofit organizations 
  • Donate dollars with your American Express Card 
  • Redeem Membership Rewards® points to make a gift to Legal Aid 
  • Set up recurring gifts 
  • Spread your giving out over the year 

Visit JustGiving for more details! 

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