Do you earn Membership Reward points when you use your American Express card? Need an idea of what to redeem those extra points for? Consider making a gift to Legal Aid! Through the American Express JustGiving program, you can redeem your American Express Membership Rewards program points for a gift to Legal Aid. 1,000 Membership Rewards points = $10.00 to Legal Aid!
JustGiving makes charitable giving simple. Formerly known as Members Give, JustGiving connects you to the important causes - like Legal Aid. Your contributions are tax-deductible and you'll receive an e-mail receipt for your records. You can choose multiple ways to support Legal Aid:
- Give to one or more charities and nonprofit organizations
- Donate dollars with your American Express Card
- Redeem Membership Rewards® points to make a gift to Legal Aid
- Set up recurring gifts
- Spread your giving out over the year
Visit JustGiving for more details!