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Op-ed: Much rides on graduation for Latino high school students

Posted June 17, 2012
7:57 am

Legal Aid attorney Megan Sprecher co-authored an op-ed with Dr. Henry Ng from MetroHealth. The piece appeared in Sunday's Plain Dealer.

The two believe "Earning a high school diploma has significant implications for youth in terms of predicting socioeconomic achievement and success throughout the rest of their lives. The median earnings for a high school graduate are about double the median earnings for someone without a high school diploma, a U.S. Census American Community Survey Report from September 2011 shows. It adds that "in addition to higher earnings, people with higher levels of education are more likely to be employed full-time, year-round.""

Click here to read the entire op-ed, or click here to view it on

Ms. Sprecher and Dr. Ng are part of Legal Aid's Community Advocacy Program, a collaboration with the MetroHealth System.

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