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from Cleveland 19 News: Supreme Court’s decision could lead to more domestic violence abusers owning guns

Posted November 7, 2023
8:37 pm

By Angie Rodriguez

CLEVELAND, Ohio (WOIO) - The Supreme Court is tackling another issue, whether domestic violence abusers should be allowed to have guns.

On Nov. 7, justices heard over 100 arguments, many aiming to persuade the vote of the SCOTUS on their United States v. Rahimi case.

The issue stems from Rahimi, a Texas man who had an active protection order against him from his girlfriend at the time.

After he refused to get rid of his guns, he was arrested.

Now, he claims that his second amendment rights were violated.

To many domestic violence survivors, this case hits hard.

And for Alexandria Ruden, Supervising Attorney at Cleveland Legal Aid, this case is offensive.

“With clients that I have served, I have, over the course of my 45 years doing this work– I’ve lost 22 clients,” Ruden said. “Now, that may not seem like a lot but most of them… were killed by a gun.”

Ruden continues to say how important this vote really is. She says that if the Supreme Court denies to uphold the ordinance, it will have a “detrimental impact” on victims.

“I think more will be killed… more will be afraid…” Ruden said.

Ruden continues, saying that by owning a gun, it gives the abuser an escape; “Often the abuser doesn’t kill his victim, he kills the children and himself– because what is the best way to hurt the mother of his children? To kill the children…”

Source: Cleveland 19 News - Supreme Court’s decision could lead to more domestic violence abusers owning guns 

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