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Advocating & Navigating Special Education in Cleveland

May 17

May 17, 2023
5:30 pm-6:30 pm

Virtual / Zoom

Cleveland Family Cafe – Advocating & Navigating Special Education in Cleveland

Whether you are a student, parent, educator, service provider, or community member, come join the online panel discussion empowering families to learn, understand and navigate Special Education services and programs in Cleveland presented by Cleveland Transformation Alliance.

What is Special Education:
Special education is a broad term used to describe specially designed instruction that meets the unique needs of a student with disabilities interfering with their learning. It focuses on helping students with disabilities learn.

  • Learn & Understand Your Rights
  • Navigate Programs and Services
  • Learn About IEP, ETR, and 504 Plans
  • Learn How to Advocate!

Featured Panelists:

  • Danielle Gadomski Littleton, Esq. – Legal Aid Society Cleveland
  • Habeebah Rasheed Grimes, LSPSY – Chief Executive Officer, PEP
  • Denise F. Milner MA, M.Ed. Principal – PEP Greenview
  • Christy Rorick – Cleveland Teachers Union (CTU)
  • Ebony Spano – Parent Advocate
  • Amy Such, Psy.S. School Psychologist – CTU Executive Board Member
  • Carol S. Young, Ph.D. Accountability & School Improvement Department Lead Education Division

This event is FREE - Click here to register.

The Family Café events are created to connect families with families. This family-led forum is dedicated to sharing ideas, knowledge, resources, and best practices to guide our services and provide quality school choices for every child in Cleveland.

Click here for a PDF flyer about the event.

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