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Student Loans

Student loans give needed financial assistance to people who want to further their education but cannot afford it. Sometimes, however, when paying back a student loan there are legal issues related to payment plans, loan forgiveness, and other lending questions. Knowing your rights is important, and Legal Aid offers resources and assistance to help you navigate complex lending questions.

Update - September 12, 2023: The payment pause on federal student loans is ending. Interest started accruing on federal student loans on September 1, 2023 and repayment starts again in October 2023. The resources below have been updated accordingly. 

Borrowers can learn about how to prepare for the start of repayment by reviewing this checklist on the Federal Student Aid website: Repayment Checklist for Borrowers (

Borrowers can also learn about a new, affordable repayment plan (the “SAVE” Plan) by reviewing this factsheet on the Federal Student Aid website: SAVE Plan Fact Sheet (

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