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The Ohio Legal Assistance Foundation Has Changed its Name to the Ohio Access to Justice Foundation

Posted December 2, 2019
5:15 pm

This fall, the Ohio Legal Assistance Foundation, commonly known by its acronym “OLAF,” changed its name to the Ohio Access to Justice Foundation. Henceforth, all references to this organization will be updated.

The Ohio Access to Justice Foundation distributes filing fee revenue and interest earned on lawyer trust account (IOLTA) to the legal aid programs in Ohio.  Through this, it is the largest funder of civil legal aid in Ohio.

Angie Lloyd, the group’s Executive Director, says the name change, “allows us to emphasize not only our commitment to funding and supporting Ohio’s legal aids, but also to recognize all of our efforts to increase justice for Ohioans struggling to make ends meet.” The new name was announced at the Foundation’s 25th Anniversary Celebration in September.

Ohio Access to Justice Foundation Logo

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