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Legal Aid attorney honored with special award

Posted September 9, 2014
9:57 am

The Ohio Domestic Violence Network will honor Legal Aid attorney Alexandria Ruden with the Croucher Family Award for Outstanding Advocacy.  Ms. Ruden is being honored for her achievements in the field of domestic violence advocacy.

The ODVN established the award to honor Elsa and Jim Croucher, pioneers in the field of dating violence education.  Picking up the pieces of their shattered lives after their daughter Tina was murdered by an abusive ex-boyfriend, Jim and Else worked diligently to ensure passage of the Tina Croucher Act, legislation that requires schools to provide education on dating violence in health classes from grades 7 through 12.

Ms. Ruden will be presented with the Croucher Award on October 1 - as ODVN kicks-off Domestic Violence Awareness Month.

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