Jun 10, 2022
9:00 am-12:00 pm
via Zoom
Are you a community organizer and or ally? Are you part of a neighborhood group? Do you work with grassroots coalitions? Are you curious to learn more about how legal systems and funding streams affect social change efforts?
Join Legal Aid and partners on June 10 at 9:00 a.m. for a virtual training:
Community, Lawyers, and Funding: Engaging for Social Change
A presentation and discussion with:
- Erika Anthony (Executive Director of Cleveland VOTES)
- Shammas Malik (Policy Consultant, ThirdSpace Action Lab)
- Catherine Donnelly (Senior Attorney, The Legal Aid Society of Cleveland)
This training will focus on how community changemakers can work with lawyers and the legal system to achieve their goals. Participants will hear from community organizers, advocacy professionals, and attorneys about how laws, legal processes, and various funding streams affect efforts to make change. The training will use a hypothetical community development scenario to integrate content related to social change, social policy, self-determination, and building power in historically marginalized communities.
Participants will learn how to:
- Think critically about roles and responsibilities of various stakeholders in community change efforts
- Work on both the individual and systemic levels simultaneously
- Identify the role of lawyers in a social change effort
- Understand specific legal tools that support social change efforts
- Understand the role of funding in social change efforts
- Know how to identify and evaluate various funding streams, such as public dollars, philanthropic money, and grassroots fundraising
- Recognize the pros and cons of different funding sources and how they may hinder/advance community change
Application for 2.5 hours of continuing education credits for social workers is pending.
Questions: contact Natalie Ziegler at natalie.ziegler@lasclev.org or 216-861-5019