Necesitas axuda xurídica? Comezar

Que debo saber sobre os préstamos estudantís?

Student loans give needed financial assistance to people who want to attend college but can't afford it.  Many colleges and universities offer many student loan options.  The information in this article will help people when making important decisions about where to go to school and how to pay for it. 

Choose a College Carefully. Hai tres tipos diferentes de facultades e universidades para escoller: 

  1. Public colleges and universities (eg. Cuyahoga Community College, Cleveland State University). 
  2. Non-profit colleges and universities (eg. Baldwin Wallace University). 
  3. For-profit or "proprietary" schools (eg. Bryant & Stratton College). 

In general, Ohio's public universities have the cheapest tuition for Ohio residents.  For example, one semester tuition at Tri-C in an associate degree program costs as little as $1,500,[1]  and one semester tuition at Cleveland State University in a bachelor's degree program costs about $6,250.[2] In contrast, one semester tuition online for Bryant & Stratton College in an associate degree program costs as much as $16,000.[3] 

Choose a Loan Carefully:  Hai dous tipos básicos de préstamos estudantís:  federal   privado.  Federal loans are regulated and issued by the U.S. Department of Education, which sets the terms and limits the interest rates.  Private loans come from private lenders who set their own terms and interest rates.  Antes de asinar calquera contrato de préstamo, compara as ofertas de préstamos de diferentes acredores porque algúns préstamos son máis caros que outros. Pregúntalle sempre aos prestamistas as seguintes preguntas: 

  1. Cantos cartos me prestas? 
  2. Cal é o tipo de interese? 
  3. Cando comezará a "acumularse" os intereses? 
  4. Cando teño que comezar a devolver o préstamo? 
  5. Canto serán os meus pagos mensuais? 
  6. Que tipos de plans de amortización están dispoñibles para este préstamo? 
  7. What happens if I am unable to make payments on the loan? 

Unha vantaxe de federal student loans is the option for an income-based repayment (IBR) plan for borrowers who have a financial hardship.  Under IBR plans, monthly payments are limited based on the borrower's income. After a certain period of payments under an IBR plan, borrowers can also be eligible for loan forgiveness.  

Lembra, préstamos estudantís mosto be repaid, even if the student does not graduate, cannot find a job, or was unhappy with the school.  Student loans are non automaticamente dado de baixa en concurso de acredores. 

Para obter máis información sobre préstamos estudantís, visite o sitio web do Departamento de Educación dos EUA,   Another helpful website is, que procede do National Consumer Law Center. 

If you have problems with federal student loans, contact the Federal Student Aid Ombudsman Group. If you have problems with private student loans, contact the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's Private Student Loan Ombudsman at (faga clic en "Préstamo estudantil"). 

IMPORTANT: Avoid Scholarship Scams! Many colleges and universities have limited scholarships, or money that does not need to be paid back.   Find out how to apply for scholarships on a school's website or by contacting the financial aid office. 

Coidado! Some companies claim to offer "scholarships," but they are actually trying to steal your cash, credit card number, or bank account number.   Ways to protect yourself are: 

  1. nin give your credit card or bank account number to "hold" a scholarship "” this is a scam!   Real scholarships do non solicitar números de tarxeta de crédito ou conta bancaria. 
  2. Real scholarships are free.   If you have to pay money to apply, the scholarship is a scam. 
  3. If someone calls and says you were "selected" for a scholarship, but you never applied for any scholarship, this is a scam!   Hang up the phone and do not provide any personal financial information. 


[1] Cuyahoga Community College, Matrícula e Calendario de Pagos para o curso 2022-2023, dispoñible en  The cost is about $124.54 per credit hour for Cuyahoga County residents and about $154.08 per credit hourfor other Ohio residents. 

[2] Universidade Estatal de Cleveland, Matrícula e taxas 2022-2023, dispoñible en 

[3] Bryant & Stratton College, Net Price Calculator, available at

Esta información actualizouse en abril de 2024. 


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