Necesitas axuda xurídica? Comezar

Partner in Justice: Toolkit

Publicado o 7 de maio de 2024
9: 00 am

Grazas por ser socio de Xustiza! Este conxunto de ferramentas ten recursos para axudarche a promover a asistencia xurídica cos teus compañeiros. Se tes preguntas específicas, cambia á parte inferior da páxina para obter información de contacto do persoal.

May 29: Founders' Day

Legal Aid turns 119 in May!  We use our birthday as an opportunity to host a Founders’ Day celebration to thank our supporters.

This year, Founders’ Day is on Wednesday, May 29.  The theme this year is our housing justice work – and we’ll hear from a former client, celebrate some partnerships, and enjoy a panel discussion with funders.  (Last year, we focused on medical-legal partnerships – read a summary here:

Learn more and sign-up for this free event:

Annual 50/50 Raffle

Legal Aid ten o pracer de anunciar a Sorteo 50/50 to celebrate our 119th anniversary. Enter for your chance to win up to $7,080!

    • Buy tickets online at:
    • Só se venderán 119 entradas para iso exclusivo sorteo, dándoche unha oportunidade en 1 de gañar.
    • Cada boleto da rifa custa $ 119.
    • O gañador, seleccionado ao azar, recibirá o 50% do total recadado pola rifa (7,080 dólares se se venden as 119 entradas).
    • The drawing will occur the morning of Monday, July 8, 2024.
    • O gañador será contactado nun prazo de 24 horas despois do sorteo e deberá cubrir un W9 e devolvelo a Asistencia Xurídica no prazo dunha semana desde que se poña en contacto.
    • O persoal actuais e os membros do consello de Asistencia Xurídica poden participar e doar, pero non poden gañar.
    • Todos os ingresos benefician á Legal Aid Society of Cleveland.

August 21: Jam for Justice 

Support Legal Aid’s great work while enjoying musical acts headlined by local attorneys, judges, law faculty and students.

Mércores, agosto 21, 2024
Ás 5:00 h - Apertura de portas, comeza a música de DJ
un calendario escalonado de bandas en dous escenarios para divertirse sen parar!

Escenario Taberna:
5:20 - Tortfeasors (* novo para 2024! *)
6 - Estrada estatal
6 - KG Mojo
7 - Hayden Gilbert e The Ruckus
8 - Fóra de servizo

Escenario de baile:
5 - Razing the Bar de CWRU
6 - The No Name Band 
7 - Luke Lindberg e o xurado Hung
7 - Seis Ás veces Sete
8 - Faith & Whisky

Emcees: Stephanie Haney (WKYC) & Delanté Spencer Thomas (Presidente, Norman S. Minor Bar Association)
DJ: DJ Brad Wolfe (Brad Wolfe Law, LLC)

Máis información e compra entradas en

Sponsor Legal Aid

O patrocinio é unha forma fantástica de apoiar aos clientes de Legal Aid a través de servizos gratuítos ao mesmo tempo que gaña publicidade, entradas para eventos e moito máis. Convértete en patrocinador hoxe enchendo esta forma.  Questions? Reach out to Melanie Shakarian at 216-861-5217. All sponsors receive:

    • Publicidade mellorada: Promotion before, during, and beyond the events, including exposure across all Legal Aid social media platforms - for instance on Facebook (6,500 seguidores), Twitter/X (4,500), Instagram (2,000), LinkedIn (3,100) e Threads (300).
      NOVIDADE PARA 2024! - Exposición adicional nos anuncios de pago, sitio web e de Legal Aid Xustiza poética boletín informativo.
    • Digital & Print Program Ads: Programa compartido con máis de 20,000 persoas durante a nosa promoción da Reunión Anual (pulse AQUÍ para ver o libro de exemplo 2023)
    • Admisión a cada evento: O patrocinio inclúe 10 entradas para cada evento.
    • Responsabilidade Social Corporativa: Legal Aid is the difference between homelessness & home; danger & safety; poverty & security.

Your organization’s sponsorship affiliates you with Legal Aid’s work to extend justice.  Pulse AQUÍ para ver os patrocinadores do ano pasado, definitivamente quererás unirte a esta lista para 2024.

Participation Report Updates!

Legal Aid staff are happy to provide an updated participation report throughout the year. This report details your organization's roster, fundraising and volunteer updates, as well as total participation percentages. Reach out to Melanie Shakarian for an updated report.

Nas Noticias

WKYC helps Legal Aid celebrate volunteers

Pulse AQUÍ to see the full WKYC story!

Impact Stories

Access to Education through Legal Aid: Atena (names changed to protect privacy) was concerned about her son Anthony. Anthony is a special needs student and Athena felt as if her son’s school was not giving him the support that he needed to be successful. The school made communication with Athena difficult after she expressed her concerns about how a teacher was treating Anthony. Even though the school was aware that Anthony had disabilities, they suspended him based on his disability related behavior.

Athena was not about to allow her son’s education to be disrupted in any way. She was so frustrated that she discussed it with her healthcare provider at University Hospitals. Because of University Hospitals’ relationship with Legal Aid through the Medical-Legal Partnership, she was referred to Legal Aid for assistance. Her Legal Aid attorney suggested that they request a meeting with the school to discuss modifying Anthony’s individualized education plan (IEP). Due to the poor relationship between Athena and school officials, her attorney requested the IEP meeting and represented her at the meeting.

As a result of several IEP meetings, Athena, her attorney, and school officials discussed several strategies to implement within Anthony’s IEP to help him meet his educational and behavior goals. Not to mention, the meetings helped to improve Athena’s relationship with school officials. Thanks to Athena for being a caring and attentive parent and her Legal Aid attorney, Anthony is getting his special needs met to help him to excel in school.  visita este enlace to share this story on social media and add why you personally support Legal Aid.

Housing Stability through Legal Aid:
Andrea (o nome cambiou para protexer a privacidade) fell behind in her rent. She did everything that she could possibly do to catch up but without success. Eventually she received a three-day eviction notice. Andrea didn’t want to move and feared that she and her family would become homeless. That’s when she called Legal Aid for help.

Andrea’s Legal Aid attorney advised her to apply for rental assistance. Her application was approved, and her landlord agreed to accept the funds to pay the back rent. The landlord then dismissed the case and allowed her to remain in the home.  To ensure that the eviction wouldn’t make it difficult for Andrea to find housing in the future, her attorney instructed her on how to get the eviction record sealed.  Thanks to her partnership with a Legal Aid attorney, Andrea no longer had to worry about her family being displaced. visita este enlace to share this story on social media and add why you personally support Legal Aid.


Apoia a Asistencia Xurídica cun agasallo e anima aos teus compañeiros a que fagan o mesmo: Doa agora.

Siga Axuda Xurídica nas redes sociais e comparte as nosas publicacións -Estamos activos FacebookchilroLinkedInInstagram!

Preguntas? Contacte con Melanie Shakarian: 216-861-5217 ou

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  • Toma mensaxes oportunas que podes usar para as comunicacións internas da túa empresa/organización. Simplemente copia e pega!
  • Coñece os nosos últimos eventos e novas.
  • Conéctate connosco.

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