¿Necesita ayuda de asistencia legal? Iniciar

Soy un veterano con un sobrepago del VA y/o una deuda médica que debo pagar o que se está deduciendo de mis beneficios del VA y/o del Seguro Social. ¿Puedo pedirle al VA que detenga el cobro de esta deuda?

When you receive a notice of overpayment from the VA, you should contact the VA Debt Management Center immediately. You may ask that the VA “waive” repayment of this debt, or you may “dispute” the debt, but you must make these requests within 180 days of the notice of overpayment. If it has been more than 180 days from the notice of overpayment, you can also ask the VA to lower any withholding of your current VA benefits. For more information contact the VA Debt Management Center at 1-800-827-0648.  

If your VA debt is being collected through the U.S. Department of Treasury by withholding some of your Social Security benefits, you should also contact the VA Debt Management Center regarding any options that may be available to you.   

For medical care co-payment debt issues, Veterans can contact the VA’s Health Resource Center at 1-888-827-4817 to ask about repayment options. 

Esta información se actualizó en abril de 2024. 

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