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Usposabljanje odvetnikov: Usposabljanje klinike s kratkimi nasveti CLE

junij 3

Junij 3, 2024

virtualno prek Zooma

Brief Advice Clinic Training - Hot Legal Topics and Providing the Best Service to Clients 

This 1.5-hour CLE will begin with an introduction to Legal Aid’s Brief Advice Clinics, an in-person brief service pro bono opportunity that provides brief advice to members of the community. The presentation will highlight ways to volunteer, and what to expect from your volunteer experience. We will then utilize a series of hypotheticals to demonstrate typical cases found at Brief Advice Clinics, such as housing, family law, employment discrimination, and wills and estates. Experts in each subject area will present on how to assess and advise in each situation, focusing specifically on how to advise at a Brief Advice Clinic. This interactive training will familiarize volunteers with how to assess common fact patterns, find and utilize clinic resources, and advise in a brief service model. This CLE is for Legal Aid volunteers and those interested in volunteering.

1.5 ure splošnega CLE kredita v teku

Obvezna predhodna prijava. Kliknite tukaj za registracijo. Po registraciji boste prejeli potrditveno e-poštno sporočilo s podatki o pridružitvi spletnemu seminarju.

Če želite izvedeti več o prostovoljstvu pri pravni pomoči, obiščite našo spletno stranali e-pošto probono@lasclev.org.

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