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Idosos têm direito a assistência alimentar?

Many seniors struggle to pay bills while on a fixed income. They might have to choose between buying food or medication. Under the federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), seniors may qualify for food assistance (formerly called "food stamps") to help buy food. 

In Ohio, a person can apply for food assistance with their local County Department of Job and Family Services (JFS). They can apply in-person, by phone, or online. Later, you will need to have an interview with JFS. You will also have to give proof of your income and bills (e.g., rent and utilities receipts, bank statements). It is important that you mail, fax, or deliver these papers as soon as possible. 

Se você pode receber assistência alimentar depende de: 

  • o número de pessoas em sua casa, 
  • sua renda e 
  • seus recursos (como dinheiro, poupança e contas correntes). 

Your income must be below a certain limit. A special income rule applies to elderly or disabled persons. The county will not look at your "gross" income but will subtract certain expenses (such as heating and cooling expenses, mortgage or rent, and medical expenses), and use this "net" income to decide if you qualify. 

Uma família com um membro idoso (com mais de 60 anos) pode ter até US$ 4,250 em recursos. Bens domésticos, a maioria dos planos de aposentadoria e a casa em que você mora não são contados como um recurso. 

If you are approved, you will receive an "electronic benefits transfer" (EBT) card. Shopping with the card is like shopping with a bank debit or ATM card. You can buy food or food-related products, including seeds and plants to grow food. You cannot buy alcohol, tobacco, or vitamins.  

 If your SNAP application is denied or the amount you get each month is reduced, you can appeal that decision and ask for a hearing. To apply for legal help with that appeal, contact Legal Aid at 888-817-3777 or apply online at

Esta informação foi atualizada em abril de 2024.

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