Manaomia Fesoasoani Fesoasoani? amata

Avanoa Tulaga Tulaga

E mafai ona e lagolagoina le Legal Aid i le tele o auala – e pei o le tufatufaina atu o le IRA, se Faaputugatupe Faufautua Faufautua, po o le tuuina atu o totogi e ala i lou fale faigaluega. O nisi foi e filifili e fai meaalofa o sea, meatotino, po o se meaalofa fuafuaina i lo latou loto.  Faitau atili e uiga i filifiliga taitasi o loʻo i lalo pe valaʻau la matou 'au e talanoa pe faʻapefea ona e manaʻo e lagolagoina la matou galuega: 216-861-5415.


Meaalofa e ala i Teugatupe Litaea a Tagata Ta'ito'atasi

O oe o se tagata e ona le IRA 70½ tausaga pe sili atu? E mana'omia ea oe e ave se tufatufa lafoga e te le mana'omia? Mafaufau e lagolago sa'o mai le Legal Aid mai lau IRA ma maua ni fa'amanuiaga tau lafoga mo oe ma/po'o lou to'alua.

Afai e 70 ½ pe sili atu, e mafai ona e faʻafeiloaʻi atu i le $105,000, e leai se lafoga, mai lau IRA i se fesoasoani alofa i tausaga taʻitasi Tufatufaina Agaalofa Agavaa (QCD). O le IRA Charitable Rollover ma le fa'atulafonoina o tufatufaga maualalo o ni auala sili ia e fai ai se meaalofa e leai se lafoga ma fa'amalieina ai lau Manaomia Fa'asoa Laiti (RMD), foi.

Mea e iloa:

    • Afai e te le fa'amauina au toesega o lafoga o tupe maua, e ofoina atu e le QCD fa'amanuiaga uma o se toesega fa'ameaalofa;
    • E mafai e tagata uma o le IRA ona faia se meaalofa e oo atu i le $105,000 i tausaga taitasi, lea e oo atu i le $210,000 mo se ulugalii;
    • O meaalofa e lafo sa'o mai lau IRA ile Legal Aid;
    • Afai e 73 ou tausaga pe matua atu ma e tatau ona ave se Fa'asoa Laiti Manaomia (RMD), e mafai e se meaalofa QCD ona fa'amalieina lau RMD e aunoa ma le fa'aopoopoina o lau lafoga o tupe maua;
    • E mafai ona e fa'atonu lau meaalofa i se polokalame po'o se vaega e te filifilia.

Kiliki ii mo a otootoga vave o le Charitable IRA Rollovers i Legal Aid, e aofia ai (i le itulau 2) se tusi talosaga fa'ata'ita'i e mafai ona e fa'aogaina ma lau tausi IRA po'o le tausi mavaega. Kiliki iinei mo se fomu tautōe mafai ona e toe fo'i ile Legal Aid.

Gifts through a Donor-Advised Fund 

A donor-advised fund, or DAF, is like a charitable investment account for the sole purpose of supporting charitable organizations you care about, like Legal Aid. 

When you contribute cash, securities, or other assets to a donor-advised fund, you are generally eligible to take an immediate tax deduction. Then those funds can be invested for tax-free growth, and you can directly recommend grants to Legal Aid, or other eligible IRS-qualified public charities. 

Fai se DAF meaalofa i Legal Aid mai lau tupe!

Gifts through American Express Reward Points 

If you earn American Express Membership Reward points, consider making a gift to Legal Aid!  Through American Express JustGiving program, you can redeem your American Express Membership Rewards program points to make a gift to Legal Aid. 1,000 Membership Rewards points = $10.00 to Legal Aid! 

Gifts through United Ways or Other Payroll Giving Programs 

Legal Aid is proud to be the longest continually funded United Way partner organization in the country. Our shared passion for justice and equality helps strengthen the community by ensuring that all individuals and families have access to education, financial opportunity, and a healthy life.  

Please consider making a gift to Legal Aid through the United Way in your area – a gift through United Way, wherever you live, can still be directed to the Legal Aid Society of Cleveland. We operate four offices and serve residents of Ashtabula, Cuyahoga, Geauga, Lake, and Lorain counties. Your investment will directly contribute to life-changing outcomes in the areas of safety, health, housing, education, and economic stability. You can designate all or a portion of your United Way giving to Legal Aid directly when you give. 

Each fall, the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) enables Federal employees and retirees to come together to raise money and volunteer for their favorite charities. Find out more and get involved: Ohio CFC | Combined Federal Campaign (  

faʻaaogā Legal Aid’s CFC charity code 89606 to set up a gift here: CFC Donor Pledging System ( 

Interested in organizing a fundraiser for Legal Aid? 

Do you have an idea for an event or activity to raise funds for Legal Aid? Please get in touch to let us know and find out how we can support you, and get inspired by some of these examples: 

    • Our friends at Tucker Ellis are hosting their second Tucker Ellis Talent Show to benefit Legal Aid. The first one in 2022 was a success – anyone can vote for an act by making a donation – this is a great example of a fun workplace event that also benefits Legal Aid’s mission. 
    • As a law student, Lauren wanted to continue supporting Legal Aid while she was studying abroad so she decided to run her first half marathon. She asked supporters to make a gift to Legal Aid to help keep her motivated to achieve her goals. Read the full story iinei. 
    • In 2024, Case Western Reserve University’s Phi Alpha Delta chapter held their  6th Annual Law Gala to benefit Legal Aid. This networking event gives students a chance to mingle with each other and a wide range of local professionals and has become a staple of the annual calendar. 

There are so many more ways to support Legal Aid with a creative fundraiser that brings people together and raises awareness of our work. It can be as simple as a Facebook Birthday Fundraiser or social media post, or a more formal gala dinner or music festival.   

If you’d like to work with Legal Aid on a fundraising event or gift the proceeds of your fundraiser, please get in touch as early in the process as possible to find out how we can best work together to make your event a success!  Dial 216-861-5217 to discuss your idea. 

Gifts through Event Sponsorship 

Mo le faitau afe o tagata i tausaga taʻitasi, Legal Aid o le eseesega i le va o le leai o se fale & fale; lamatiaga & saogalemu; mativa & saogalemu. You can help us help more people by becoming a Sponsor of Legal Aid’s events: Jam for Justice and our Annual Meeting & Report to the Community. Sponsors receive 10 tickets to each event and promotion across all Legal Aid social media platforms (with a combined followership of 12,000) and our digital Annual Meeting program (shared with 20,000+).  Learn more by calling 216-861-5217 or fill out our sponsorship form here: 2024-Legal-Aid-Annual-Meeting-Sponsorship-Form-fillable.pdf ( 

Alu vave