Aliĝu nian terrific group of 2024 sponsors and sign-up today to support La 119-a Jarkunveno de Jura Helpo! All sponsors receive:
- Plifortigita Reklamo: You will receive promotion before, during, and beyond the event, including exposure across all Legal Aid social media platforms - Facebook (6,600 sekvantoj), Twitter/X (4,500), Instagram (2,100), LinkedIn (3,300), kaj fadenoj (500).
- Cifereca & Presaĵo: Program shared with 25,000+ individuals during our Annual Meeting promotion. Klaku ĉi tie to see example program from last year. All 2024 ads due by 10/10/24.
- Konfeso: Sponsorship includes 10 tickets to the 11/25 program (includes anticipated 1.0 hour continuing legal education credit for attorneys) + food and drink.
- Entreprena Socia Respondeco: Jura Helpo estas la diferenco inter senhejmeco kaj hejmo; danĝero kaj sekureco; malriĉeco kaj sekureco. La sponsorado de via organizo aliĝas al la laboro de Jura Helpo por etendi justecon.
Toggle below and use form to make your commitment now (payment due by 12/31/2024)aŭ Klaku ĉi tie por plenigebla PDF (email to contact listed or mail to 1223 West Sixth Street, Cleveland, OH 44113). Details of sponsor levels/benefits include:
- $17,500 Platena Sponsorado
Includes headline sponsor status and table of 10 at event; recognition in all pre-event publicity and highlights in public program; full page (8.5”w x 11”h) advertisement (color) in print and digital Annual Meeting program book - $12,000 Ora Sponsorado
Recognition in all pre-event publicity and highlights in public program and table of 10 at event; full page (8.5”w x 11”h) advertisement (color) in print and digital Annual Meeting program book - $10,000 Arĝenta Sponsorado
Recognition in all pre-event publicity and highlights in public program and table of 10 at event; half page (8.5”w x 5.5”h) advertisement (color) in print and digital Annual Meeting program book - $8,000 Bronza Sponsorado
Recognition in all pre-event publicity and highlights in public program and table of 10 at event; quarter page (4.25”w x 5.5”h) advertisement (color) in print and digital Annual Meeting program book - $5,000 Ĝenerala Sponsorado
Recognition in all pre-event publicity and mentions during events and table of 10 at event - $2,500 Community Partner
Recognition as community partner and table of 10 at event
Value provided to each sponsor is $700 per annual meeting sponsorship (and balance is 100% tax deductible). All ads must be submitted in PDF format by October 10, 2024. We encourage all sponsors to integrate our theme quote into your ad design:
“Freedom is not a state; it is an akto.
Libereco estas la kontinua ago, kiun ni ĉiuj devas fari...
por krei eĉ more fair, more just socio."
- U.S. Congressman John Lewis
Ĉu vi bezonas pagi vian sponsoradon? Klaku ĉi tie por interreta pagformularo + Klaku ĉi tie por W9 de Legal Aid for your files. Alternatively, Klaku ĉi tie for a PDF sponsorship form to mail/email with a check payment.
All 2024 sponsorship payments must be made by December 31, 2024.
For 2025, you can sign-on as an early sponsor. Groups that commit by February 2025 receive 2024 rates and a full year of sponsorship benefits for all Legal Aid events, including:
Tago de Fondintoj - Eble 2025
Konfitaĵo por Justeco - aŭgusto 2025
Komunumo Renkontiĝo-kaj-Salutoj - septembro 2025
120-a Jarkunveno - Novembro 2025
The earlier you commit, the more exposure your organization gets!
La Legal Aid Society of Cleveland (Leĝa Helpa Societo de Klevlando) eble ne elspezas ajnajn financojn por iu ajn agado malpermesita de la Legal Service Corporation Act, 42 U.S.C. 2996 et. sek. aŭ de Publika Juro 104-134, kiu postulas ke avizo de tiuj restriktoj estu donita al ĉiuj financantoj de programoj financitaj fare de la Jura Servo-Entrepreno.